During this course, our instructors will not climb directly into the advanced concepts; first, they warm up the learners with basics to make the course engaging and informative. We have a team of experienced instructors who provide the classes that support education and innovation. Having online courses and meeting with other students motivates you that all are pursuing an educational path that makes everyone’s future bright. Our online classes equip learners with knowledge and skills, producing critical thinkers. So, if you want to become an expert in this coding language, then feel free to contact us. Thankfully, the concept of learning is changing now. Today learners prefer Python Online Training Classes over traditional classes because of flexibility.
- Introduction to Python
- The Birth of Python
- Python Timeline
- Python Vs other languages
- Features of Python
- Versions of Python
| 2. PYTHON ENVIRONMENT- Installation of Python on WINDOWS and LINUX
- Path settings for Python
- Python Documentation
- Getting Help
- Working with Python Command Line Shell
- Working with Editors and IDE’s
- Basic Syntax
- Running Python Scripts on WINDOWS
- Running Python Scripts on LINUX
- Working with python cloud
- Executing Python Scripts on Android
- Executing Python Scripts on IOS
- Working with IDLE
- Data Types
- Fundamental Data Types
- Collection Types
- Number systems
- Mutable objects vs. Immutable objects
- Iterable objects vs. non Iterable objects
- Variables
- Naming Conventions
- print(), type() , id(), input() Functions
- Type Conversion functions
| 4. OPERATORS- Magic methods
- Working mechanism of operators in python
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Short Hand Assignment Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Membership Operators
- Identity Operators
- Precedence of operators
- Evaluating expressions
5. FLOW CONTROL- About Flow Control
- Elements of flow control
- Block/Clause
- Conditional Statements
- Loop Statements
- Break statement
- Continue statement
- Pass statement
- Working with infinite loops
- Nested conditional statements
- Nested loops
| 6. COLLECTIONS- Introduction to collections
•LIST - list objects creation
- list indexing and slicing
- applying iterations on list objects
- nested lists
- eliminating duplicate elements of list
- working with methods of list
- sorting elements of a list
- searching for a required element in list
- list comprehensions
•TUPLE - tuple objects creation
- tuple indexing and slicing
- applying iterations on tuple objects
- nested Tuples
- storing list objects in Tuples
- differences between list and tuple
- working with methods of tuple
•STR - What is String?
- Single-quoted string literals
- Triple-quoted string literals
- String Indexing
- String Slicing
- Working with String Functions
- Working with String Methods
- String multiplication and concatenation
- Reversing a string
- Searching for a required character/substring
•SET - creating set objects
- applying iterations on set objects
- performing set operations on set objects
- working with methods of Set
- set comprehensions
•DICT - creating dictionary objects
- working with dictionary keys and values
- applying iterations on dictionary objects
- working with methods of dictionary
- merging dictionaries
- dictionary comprehensions
7. FUNCTIONS- Defining a function
- Calling a function
- Function Parameters
- Types of parameters
- Default parameters, non-default parameters
- Arbitrary arguments
- Types of arguments
- key word and non-key word arguments
- Return statement in functions
- Handling return values
- Global variables and Local variables
- Passing collections to a function
- First Class, Higher Order and Partial Functions
- Lambda functions/ anonymous functions
| 8. MODULES- What is a module?
- Types of modules
- The import statement
- Module Aliases/renaming a module
- from … import
- Built in properties of a module
- dir() function
- Creating user defined modules
- Module search path
- Command line arguments
- Working with pre-defined standard modules
- Built-in modules: math; os; sys;
9. PACKAGES- Introduction to packages
- Defining packages
- Importing from packages
- Defining sub-packages
- Importing from sub packages
| 10. EXCEPTION HANDLING- Syntax Errors
- Runtime Errors
- What is Exception?
- Need of Exception handling
- Predefined Exceptions
- Predefined Exceptions Hierarchy
- try, except and finally clauses
- Named except block
- Default except block
- Handling Multiple Exceptions
- Nested try, except and finally blocks
- User defined Exceptions
- Raise, assert statements
- Return statement in try, except and finally
11. FILE HANDLING- What is a file?
- Opening a file
- Various file modes
- Reading data from a file
- Writing data to a file
- Closing a file
- Working with the methods of file object
- Replacing the content of file
- Working with Directories
- Handling IO Exceptions
- With statement
| 12. OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING- Introduction to OO programming
- Encapsulation
- Defining Classes
- Creating objects
- Class variables and instance variables
- Constructors
- Defining methods
- Non static methods
- Static methods
- Class methods
- Diff between functions and methods
- Inheritance
- Types of inheritances
- Polymorphism (over loading & over riding)
- Super() statement
- Data hiding
- Accessing hidden properties of a class
- Custom exception classes
- Built in properties of class
- Inner classes
- Sorting custom objects
13. GARBAGE COLLECTION- Introduction to garbage collection
- Referenced versus unreferenced objects
- Object reference count
- Garbage collector
- Objects Garbage collection
- Destructors
- Del statement
- Collections Garbage collection
| 14. REGULAR EXPRESSIONS- Introduction to regular expression
- Simple character matches
- Special characters
- Character classes
- Quantifiers
- Forming regular expressions
- Matching at beginning or end
- Compiling regular expressions
- Match(),Search() and sub() functions
- Splitting a string
- Replacing text
- The main window object
- Widgets
- Colors and fonts
- GUI layout
- Event handling
| 16. PYTHON CLOSURES- Nested functions in python
- Nonlocal variable in a nested function
- Defining a Closure Function
- When to use closures?
- Benefits of Python Closure
17. DECORATORS- Functions inside functions
- Functions as parameters
- Functions returning functions
- Simple decorators in python
- Decorators with parameters
| 18. ITERATORS IN PYTHON- What are iterators in Python?
- Iterating Through an Iterator in Python
- How for loop actually works?
- Building Your Own Iterator in Python
19. PYTHON GENERATORS- What are generators in Python?
- How to create a generator in Python?
- Why generators are used in Python?
| |
What are the Python Course Prerequisites?
We welcome every learner who wants to learn this interesting and critical language. It would be helpful if you have a basic knowledge of computer and programming language. Our Python online training in Hyderabad doors are opened for those who wish to learn the coding concepts with real-time scenarios.
Objectives of the Course
- Get started your python journey with basic concepts.
- Examine your understanding by creating your own Python programs.
- We will assist you in developing real-time projects written in Python.
Who should do the course?
- IT Developers.
- Big Data Professionals.
- Freshers.
- The one who wishes to learn to code.
Python Training Course Duration:
Our Python Online Training in Hyderabad will run up to 35 Days, Daily 1 Hours, with flexible timing.
Why choose Python for your career?
The biggest thing that most developers love about Python is used in many IT development projects. When it comes to adaptability, It is one of the most popular programming languages. Many IT companies are actively looking for Python developers who can decrease the complexity of the real world. It’s a lucrative career option of the IT field.
If you want to accelerate the growth in Python, you need to maintain a stronghold on the basics as well as advanced concepts. SR Cloud Tech is one of those Python Online Training in Hyderabad who provides real-hands on training programs with less emphasis on theory and more in practice. Get in touch with us to know more about this online course.